For the first time in recorded history, the erratic cycles of the mana storms have shifted further south than usual, allowing unprecedented access to vast southern waters. Sailors and cartographers alike are eager to explore these newly opened maritime routes, though some areas remain treacherous due to lingering atmospheric instability.
The safest passage into these waters is through the Southron Sea and Muirne Cailt, where the weather has stabilized enough to permit regular navigation. However, caution is still advised when sailing in the Feralmor Strait, Felwindstrait, Gweiadur Bay, Temestyl Sea, Sea of Gailfean, and Themestyl Mor, as these regions remain susceptible to unpredictable and extreme weather patterns. Sudden squalls, powerful currents, and residual mana anomalies continue to pose a risk to unprepared vessels.
Beyond these hazardous straits and bays, the remaining southern seas have been deemed relatively safe. The Kyr'orvrad Thelassic, Valynic Mor, Sea of Collideg, Saewine Mor, Weilgi Expanse, Intareilithe Trench, Sea of Muirnemor, Anguis Mor, Anguillid Seaway, Fenrynn Margin, Foundering Sea, Procellarum Sea, Feralmor Strait, and Sea of Crisium now offer passage largely free from the lethal mana storms that have long rendered them unnavigable. While conventional storms still arise in these regions, they do not exhibit the supernatural volatility of mana-driven tempests.
The implications of this shift are vast. Trade routes may expand, long-lost islands and territories could be rediscovered, and new fishing grounds might emerge to sustain coastal communities. However, seasoned sailors and maritime scholars caution that the mana storms are notoriously unpredictable. Whether this shift represents a permanent change or a temporary anomaly remains to be seen.
OOC Note: The Southern Oceans have opened up! There are 19 new seas to travel.
This release includes the following:
- Glaoveln Ferry access.
- Glaoveln Mount Travel access.
This release is in anticipation of the Isle of Ornath opening.
- Special thanks to GM Azidaer for their assistance with getting these oceans live.
- Special thanks to GM Auchand for their assistance in creating the perpetual storms in our seven most southerly seas.