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Latest News

For the first time in recorded history, the erratic cycles of the mana storms have shifted further south than usual, allowing unprecedented access to vast southern waters. Sailors and cartographers alike are eager to explore these newly opened maritime routes, though some areas remain treacherous due to lingering atmospheric instability.

The safest passage into these waters is through the Southron Sea and Muirne Cailt, where the weather has stabilized enough to permit regular navigation. However, caution is still advised when sailing in the Feralmor Strait, Felwindstrait, Gweiadur Bay, Temestyl Sea, Sea of Gailfean, and Themestyl Mor, as these regions remain susceptible to unpredictable and extreme weather patterns. Sudden squalls, powerful currents, and residual mana anomalies continue to pose a risk to unprepared vessels.

Beyond these hazardous straits and bays, the remaining southern seas have been deemed relatively safe. The Kyr'orvrad Thelassic, Valynic Mor, Sea of Collideg, Saewine Mor, Weilgi Expanse, Intareilithe Trench, Sea of Muirnemor, Anguis Mor, Anguillid Seaway, Fenrynn Margin, Foundering Sea, Procellarum Sea, Feralmor Strait, and Sea of Crisium now offer passage largely free from the lethal mana storms that have long rendered them unnavigable. While conventional storms still arise in these regions, they do not exhibit the supernatural volatility of mana-driven tempests.

The implications of this shift are vast. Trade routes may expand, long-lost islands and territories could be rediscovered, and new fishing grounds might emerge to sustain coastal communities. However, seasoned sailors and maritime scholars caution that the mana storms are notoriously unpredictable. Whether this shift represents a permanent change or a temporary anomaly remains to be seen.

OOC Note: The Southern Oceans have opened up! There are 19 new seas to travel.
This release includes the following:

  • Glaoveln Ferry access.
  • Glaoveln Mount Travel access.

This release is in anticipation of the Isle of Ornath opening.

  • Special thanks to GM Azidaer for their assistance with getting these oceans live.
  • Special thanks to GM Auchand for their assistance in creating the perpetual storms in our seven most southerly seas.
Treasure - Keys, Locks, and Gemstones - Webstaff on 03/13/2025
  • Gemstones now benefit from various treasure bonuses! Bonuses include but are not limited to: loot boosts, creature level, hunting in under-hunted areas, and so on and so forth. The new drop logic is a strict net benefit over the previous behavior.
  • The weekly gemstone cap is now live. A given character can only find one gemstone per week.
  • Keys, locks, and gemstones are not subject to the normal treasure loot cap, including the soft cap.
  • Keys, locks, and gemstones can drop from creatures that don't normally drop treasure.
The History of the Library of Biblia - Webstaff on 03/13/2025

With Ornath slowly opening to the world, the history and customs of the famous library that calls it home can finally be revealed. What is the Library of Biblia? Who are the scribes who call it home? And what is the secret they have spent millennia protecting? All, or at least most, can now be revealed...

Discord Discussion
Official Document

The Gemstones Artificer is here! - Webstaff on 03/13/2025

Clad in rich teal robes of silk stitched with gleaming gold threads, the artificer is almost unnaturally thin, its fingers far longer than they ought to be.  Its visage is concealed by a mask of burnished gold that smoothly mimics humanoid features.

The Artificer has arrived! The Artificer can be found in [Rawknuckle's, Watering Hole].

You can ask the masked artificer to AMPLIFY, INSTILL, RESHAPE, SHATTER, or UNBIND an appropriate gemstone.  It is also able to UNLOCK gemstone slots and has DUST available for purchase.

Bericsaba Market - Webstaff on 03/08/2025

On the first weekend of Olaesta, the harbor market of Ornath, closed for much of the year, throws open its gates for a highly anticipated annual event. Farmers, poulterers, shepherds, and artisans from across the island descend upon the bustling square, eager to hawk their wares, test their skills, and stake their claim in the island's most prestigious culinary and craft competitions. For one weekend, the market is a whirlwind of voices calling out their goods, the scent of grilled fish and sweet preserves thick in the air, and the clatter of craftsmen setting up displays of finely woven textiles, carved driftwood trinkets, and freshly fired pottery.

Letters have begun appearing in various towns inviting citizens to take part in the contests of Bericsaba Market. The author appears to be Fevronia a sister of the Order of Lumnasi Viragos and a member of the Bericsaba Market planning committee.

Fevronia has cast a wide net.  She's reached out to most major cities and towns, with more to come.  She's open to open up the Bericsaba Market to outsiders for the first time in its history and she's seeking competition!

Click the title link to find out more!

Ascension: Gemstones - Webstaff on 03/08/2025

Theyyyyyyyyyy're here!

Gemstones have been released upon Elanthia, and Ascension hunting will never be the same. Journey to the Hinterwilds (not the not-at-all similar Hinterlands) and begin your search for the ultimate power. Look to the skies, my friends!

Gemstones are the product of the Development team working in concert, and a huge thanks goes out to every single member of the team for their great contributions. Hugest gratitude should go to GM Nyxus, who put blood, sweat, tears, and a little bit of gemstone dust into this project. Go forth and prosper, brave heroes!


A new document has been released detailing personal histories and shared events related to the final days of the sylvan city of Yuriqen.

Document Link

Discord Discussion Link

Big thanks to GM Mariath for the epic QC, to GM Xeraphina for helping me figure out how I could make footnotes and annotations less painful, to the Worlds team for your feedback, and to GM Wyrom, who was on board when I said, "So I want to do a thing with Sylvankind, hear me out..."

Isle of Ornath - Ornathian Holidays - Webstaff on 03/04/2025

The Isle of Ornath has long been hidden from the world, though it does have its connections and ways, but much of its customs were not known to the continent of Elanith.  With the mana storms receeding and allow safer, regular travel, we've gained some knowledge of them and their customs.  Here are five traditions/holidays of the Island:

Wiki Announcement: Ornathian Holidays

Discord Discussion: Ornathian Holidays


Good people of the land, gather 'round!  No longer must you squint at that mysterious leaf or ponder whether that peculiar mushroom is a delicacy or a regrettable life choice.  Thanks to a grand update, foraged items can now be analyzed - revealing their hidden secrets and intended uses!  No more accidental potion ingredients ending up in your tea (we hope).

But wait, there's more!  Our beloved food items have also received a gourmet glow-up.  Ever wondered exactly what that honey-drizzled tart or smoked fish skewer tastes like?  Well, wonder no longer!  Each bite now unveils its unique qualities and taste messaging, ensuring that your culinary adventures are as vivid as your imagination (and hopefully less regrettable than that mushroom).

So go forth, forage wisely, and savor every flavorful bite!

Wiki Announcement

Discord Discussion

New Age Descriptions Available! - Webstaff on 03/03/2025

After receiving reports of rogue age representation at the recent Duskruin Arena event, registrars throughout the lands have responded by adding a number of new, different ways of more accurately describing ones' age.

All characters have received a one-time age reset to select their age if the new descriptions do not fit your view for your characters.  Additional resets can be purchased from the Simucoins Store.  Use the AGE verb to see the new options, select one's age, and select a fitting age description as appropriate.

 Wiki Announcement

Wiki Page

Discord Discussion


The rumors are true. A mysterious fraternal order is inadvertently leaking cryptically engraved relics throughout the realm. Adventurers are advised to be on the lookout when searching creatures, as these rare relics are highly coveted. My sources reveal these prized objects are not mere locksmithing supplies. Rather, they must be carefully paired—like for like—thus completing a bond that will alert the lodge from whence they came.

In exchange for the safe retrieval of these rare relics, the mysterious fraternal order has amassed a cache of baubles filled with prizes of wildly variable power! Having heard that “10 deeds” alone is hardly enticing, the order’s newest pledges have worked diligently to create runes that can be consumed to permanently enhance an adventurer’s abilities. But fret not, dearly departed—the “10 deeds” reward still makes an appearance, along with countless other potential treasures!

AVAILABLE NOW AT A CREATURE NEAR YOU! Will you be the one to unearth these arcane relics and claim their power?

See Lock & Key System in the Official Discord!

Duskruin Opens Tonight - 2/7/2025 - Webstaff on 02/07/2025



Get ready for the biggest Duskruin yet as we celebrate ten years of blood, treasure, and thrilling combat in the arena!

The High End Scrip Shop is unlocking new possibilities! Service limits and surcharges are gone, making your dream upgrades more accessible than ever. And additional automated services means even faster turnaround times.

But that’s not all! New combat flourishes like Steelskin flares will change the way you fight, while other exciting additions to the flourish system let you improve your gear. Plus, returning favorites and special celebratory raffles will give you even more chances to score!

The anniversary celebration wouldn't be complete without the return of Mania, bringing its signature fast-paced frenzy of fun to Bloodriven Village!

A plume of steam jets forth as the clockwork golem comes to life...

BATTLE VAULTS return with a new special item! Redeemable once per character per run, BATTLE VAULTS come with two 25-count booklets, 30 advanced spellup pills, a golden scroll for 150% exp mod and Greater Felcour Gauntlets that are attuned to your character! You won’t want to miss it!

Join our Discord to stay on top of all the latest announcements!
More news to come shortly after this teaser on Discord! And as always, keep an eye on our wiki!

Beginning Friday, February 7th at 9:00 PM ET, Duskruin Returns

HESS ANNOUNCED - Webstaff on 02/08/2025
  • The service limits on HESS services per item (and the related surcharges) have been removed!

Introducing the Annex, where all fully automated HESS services and scripted items for purchase now reside. Automated certificates can be applied to update your item instantly. Only a handful of HESS services have been converted so far but more will be moving from the regular High End Scrip Shop to the Annex in future DR runs.

SK/SM tattoos - This is the last run where these will be available using the existing list of offerings as seen here: Existing List. Beginning with August 2025's run, spells will be rotated in and out of inventory each run.

Certificates/Items in the Annex:

  • Chrism Censers, 250,000 bloodscrip
  • Urnon Lockpocks, 75,000 bloodscrip
  • Urglaes/Veniom Multisetting Teleport rings
  • Script Add, Twisted Weapons - Acid (requires acid flares already present on weapon)
  • Script Add, Twisted Shield - Acid (requires acid flares already present on shield)
  • Script Add, Flare Gloves
  • Convert Lore Flare to another type of Lore Flare - Requires existing lore flares on item
  • Resistance Add
  • Transmute Enhancive Armament/Armor Accessory to Jewelry
  • Flourish, Flare Affinity
  • Flourish, Rage Armor
  • Flourish, Lore Flares
  • Flourish, Steel Skin Flares
  • Flourish, Warding Flares
  • Flourish, Sweep Flares
  • Flourish, Skullcrusher Flares
  • Boost Steel Skin Padding by 2, max 50
  • Boost Warding Flares TD by 5, max 50
  • Boost Warding Flares Duration by 5, max 60
  • Permify Normal Enhancive
  • Permify SK/MK Enhancive

Updates to existing HESS services:

  • Script Add, Twin Weapons is now 50,000 bloodscrip.
  • Zelnorn Ore can now be used to create robes.
  • High Steel Ore can now be used to create robes or UCSE.
  • Target Defense Boards can now be used to add TD to runestaves.

New HESS Services:

  • Script Add, Blink Weapon - 750,000 bloodscrip
  • Convert Spell Circle Item to Tattoo - 25,000 bloodscrip

Once live, you can view things here: HESS

Duskruin Updates & Additions - Webstaff on 02/07/2025
With Duskruin opening in just a few hours, here's a list of announcements you my have missed:
  • GM Tivvy Announces that Stamp Limits and Surcharges are being retired.
  • PM Wyrom Announces the Return of Mania.
  • GM Vanah Announces an update to the shop: With a Flourish
  • GM Nyxus Announces New Combat Flourishes - Steel/Glaes/Adamantine Skin Flares; Warding Flares
  • GM Marstreforn Announces Twisted Weapons - Acid Edition
  • GM Nyxus Announces New Combat Flourishes - Skullcrusher Flares and Sweep Flares
  • GM Nyxus Announces New Combat Flourishes - New Lore Flares '25
  • GM Vanah Announces the Jammy Juicer
  • GM Avaluka Announces Alcohol Still Updates and Vinegar
  • GM Vanah Announces the Stovetop Dehydrator
  • GM Xynwen Announces the Greater Felcour Gauntlets Battle Vault
  • GM Tago Announces that Leaderboards got Bigger
  • GM Naiken Announces that the Right to Flare Arms will now have an ADD certificate in HESS
  • The shops have been recorded on the wiki.  There's one shop that is a delayed opening that will need to be posted but the rest are there.
  • The Shops Curved Cuts and Shield Thyself may be closed, but their Certificates were all moved to Certifiable!  Enjoy.

To get more details, click on the title link!

More Sorcerer Spell Updates! - Webstaff on 01/14/2025

Evil Eye and Implosion have had some updates.  Click on the title link to see the news!


Go Play!